Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

The Heart Healer – Cyndy Bartelli



The Heart Healer Cyndy Bartelli Sometimes, even though we are born again and forgiven of our past mistakes and sins, memories continue to haunt us. It seems like every time we get a blessing or breakthrough, the devil brings up that, “Yeah, but what about….?” I know I can’t be the only one that experiences that. How about you? It may seem like your alone. Unique. It only happens to you.  But that is not the case. These challenges are often rooted in our past, trying to rob you of your Faith today. Trying to keep you from accomplishing all that God has planned for you.  One of my favorite verses in Jeremiah 29:11, “I know the plans I have for you, saith the Lord. Plans to proper you, not harm you. Plans to give to you a hope and a future.”  Amen! When we get that type of revelation into our hearts, that is when we can start living and prospering and blessing others like the Lord intends us to do! Amen!  But we need to get to that place of healing in our hearts. Amen! Our guest today helps you to do just that!