Grant Writing & Funding

Ep. 285: Why You Should Charge Grant Research as a Stand-Alone Service



Welcome to another episode of Grant Writing & Funding with your host, Holly Rustick. In this episode we delve into the art and science of finding the right grants for your nonprofit or nonprofit clients. Holly shares valuable insights on the importance of separating grant research from grant writing, and the significance of building relationships with potential funders. She highlights the need to review and respond to grant instructions diligently, while considering practicalities like eligibility, funding amounts, and necessary documents. Holly also introduces a grant research package offered by an organization, which includes finding fitting opportunities and providing grant writing services. Plus, she explores the power of analyzing 990s, public information from foundations, to identify potential grants and understand their priorities. Join us as we dive into the world of grant research and equip ourselves with the tools and knowledge to secure funding for our causes. What you’ll learn in this ep