Divine Naples Podcast

Matt left something behind. Learn how to wash your car for free. Rich announces a phone line for caffeinated customers which is a toll-free number. Remember we have coffee and Better A$$ — Episode #411 – August 11th.  2023 



Matt missed the term chicken clucker. Rich was better looking when he was 3 and after that it all went down hill. School buses will snitch on you if you’re in the car behind. Do you slow down in the left lane like an old fart holding up traffic? Matt invites you to his favorite place for a FREE Lunch with the rest of aged people who meet in Costco for samples. Learn why some ice cream have no ingredients but Substance. Matt is really confused about which Simmons is who. He would like to have a long tongue and a slim body. He just doesn’t know which Simmons he should credit for what. Yellow Cheese is NOT cheese. Is that CLEAR NOW ???   If you have an announcement to make or something special to share send details to info@divinenaples.com Please nominate someone so we can interview and share their passion and story with the world. Interested to get in our studio and talk life? Send email to info@divinenaples.com BE AWARE !!!! - Show is highly addictive and there is no rehab center available YET. :-) Sponso