Court Leader's Advantage

Leading in Tough Times: Leaders as “Influencers”



August 15th, 2023, Court Leader’s Advantage Podcast Episode Leaders deal with multiple circles of individuals.  Two that you as a court administrator or Clerk of Court deal with are 1) those who report to you and 2) those you either report to or deal with as fellow stakeholders.  Those reporting to you include your team, and the larger office or court staff.   The next circle centers on your Presiding Judge, and your bench; it includes your funding body such as your City Council, County Board, the state administrative office, or the state legislature.  It extends to your fellow justice partners such as the Sheriff, the Prosecutor, the bar, and community organizations.   The leadership skills needed to deal with both circles include team building, mentoring, strategic thinking, organization, persuasive speaking, and concise effective writing.  But you deal with your fellow stakeholders (principally your judges), differently than with your court staff.  Your judges are leaders in their own right; usually, they