Faith Producers International Podcast




TRAVELING LIGHT I have traveled around the world several times and in multiple countries. I have gone by airplane, train, automobile, boat, motorcycle, and tricycle. I have even walked a fair amount of distance to get to my destination. In all the miles I've traveled and all the miserable places I've endured as I traveled, I have learned a few things that have helped me over the years. On my first international trip, I loaded up suitcases like I was leaving town for good. I tried to imagine every possible problem or activity and made room for it in my three bags.  Not realizing the mode of transportation that I would encounter and needing a valet to help carry my abundance of luggage, I had trouble. I didn't open two of my suitcases on this first trip. If you know human nature very well, you've probably already guessed that I didn't learn just from one trip. But after a few of those experiences, I learned to travel light. Running through the airport in Japan trying to catch my flight home with the help of an