Faith Producers International Podcast




THE ANGEL CALLED TRUMPETER In the remaining hours of 2014, the Spirit of God spoke to me concerning the new year I was facing. The words 12 - 12 -12 were dropped into my spirit, and I asked What do you mean by that, father? He said I will introduce to you 12 angels and 12 keys that were released, 12 miracles for this new year. As you may imagine, I was all ears, and my spirit was tuned in and ready to receive. Through 2015, it was a wild ride of Faith to believe the word that God had given me. Each of those months, around the clock, struck 12, a new Angel would come and introduce himself to me. The August Angel's name was Trumpeter. As we communicated throughout August, I discovered why the father sent him into my life. (I found he had been with me since childhood, preparing for the ministry God had designed for my life.) One of the things that he was designed to do was blow the trumpet when he prophesied over someone or to a congregation. I discovered that the blowing of the trumpet did something to the prop