Creative Thursday

316 - Money Mindset Manifestation for Creatives with Creative Coach Nick Demos



The latest in trendy buzzwords or concepts that actually play well together? And if so how can Money Mindset + Manifestation help you reach your goals + dreams?   A topic I've wanted to explore more in-depth on this podcast for some time...It took a minute to meet + invite and get to know the guest I trust to take this conversation further ~ one who not only walks the walk but offers one of the clearest explanations of Mindset + Manifestation, along with practical tips and recommendations on how you can choose to practice both (with an approach that works for you) to invite more Abundance (including Money) into your world.   As an Artist who's been aware of, continually learning, and practicing my version of Manifestation for well over 20 years, this conversation sparked a profound new clarity + transformational insight that has stayed with me ever since we recorded this episode   Packed with inspiration and ah-ha's + Insight from a limitless Creative who's resume includes: a Tony Award Winning Producer, Awar