Sam Sylk Show

My Wife Has MS And Things Are Ruogh



Dear Sam, A little over two years ago my wife was diagnosed with MS. The first year she handled it pretty well with only a few minor adjustments to our daily life. The past year has been not as great, and while I understand she is going to have her good days and bad days, it been more bad the past few months. I try my best to make sure I do all I can for her; I take care of all of the household chores like cleaning, dishes, laundry, cooking and outside yard while also making sure the kids are taken care of. Fatigue is one of the things that her MS really has hit her hard with so I even try to give her time to herself so she can nap or just relax. However, she has become very snippy and angry all the time at the kids and me. It’s frustrating as I feel I’m always walking on eggshells afraid if I say something wrong or do a chore not the way she would, than she flips out. The kids often question why mommy is always yelling at everyone. I have spoken to my wife about this and she says she is sorry and will try to