Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

Memory Loss – How is Caring For Your Spouse Different?



Memory Loss – How is Caring For Your Spouse Different? This show will give us great insight to those caring for a spouse or significant other with Memory Loss. The twists and turns dementia gives any Caregiver can be challenging, but as a spouse or significant other, there are additional obstacles in the road that need to be dealt with.  Find out what they are and how these women have dealt with them on their journey.  Please know, we will also be discussing the pure beauty found in their relationships as the disease becomes an intricate part of their lives. Eileen Smithlives in New Zealand and has been caring for her husband Ray who was diagnosed in 2001 at the age of 54. After Ray’s illness declined rapidly in a four month period he was in need of more care. Eileen had to make the difficult decision to place him where Ray could give receive more care. In May of 2006, Ray moved to a community.  Ray no longer speaks, feeds himself and is in need of support when walking.  He is also double incontinent.   Mar