J. Dayz

Week of 01/21/17



Music has always been a huge apart of John Day's life. If you were to ask him when he started DJing, he may tell you it was actually before he ever owned a piece of real equipment. As a teenager, John (or "J.Dayz," as some know him) was big into the skateboarding scene and he would make mixtapes for him and his friends to skate along to after school or on summer days. The A-side of the cassette would be hyped music or fast punk rock to get them pumped up to skate, while the B-side would be a selection of more mellow music to cool down to.When J.Dayz was about sixteen years old, he purchased his first DJ set-up after working all summer at a fast food restaurant to save up money. He called it his "Fisher Price My First DJ Set." He started out doing high school parties, but it wasn't until college that he experienced the rush of DJing to a large crowd. From there, he began to DJ parties for fraternities and sororities in the NYC area, then moved on to small bars around Brooklyn, and eventually began rocking the scene around Manhattan's hottest clubs. He then went on to higher profile events, such as music festivals and sporting events, even opening up for a Grammy-winning multi-platinum recording artist.And now you can hear him on his weekly podcast for BTR, The Party Hour.