Divine Naples Podcast

Matt finally came to his senses and finally realized Rich is a Smart Guy! Sort of! Episode #390 – July. 18th. 2023



One of these two always makes a statement just by walking into a room and after he speaks people remember him forever. It has been said his voice has the potential to trigger earthquakes when he starts laughing. The other guy has an answer for everything, even if you don’t ask him. He knows why we have two ears and one mouth! So, we can listen more. Matt needs help in the listening department. They are simply a special couple. Some say a match made in heaven, but there are not getting married. Mr. Perfect and the Genius …. If you listen you will know who is who! If you have an announcement to make or something special to share send details to info@divinenaples.com Please nominate someone so we can interview and share their passion and story with the world. Interested to get in our studio and talk life? Send email to info@divinenaples.com BE AWARE !!!! - Show is highly addictive and there is no rehab center available YET. :-) Sponsor of the show -- for now is www.BeachSOS.com and we are Looking for ONE  :-)