Sam Sylk Show

Wife Wont Wouldnt Change So I Cheated



Dear Sam, I have been married to my wife for 15 years. Given her everything she has ever asked for and everything I promised her before we got married. We both are hard working people. But I found myself playing second fiddle to her job, the kids, her family and sometimes her friends. She is active in everything except being there for me and my needs. Making a long story short I stepped out on my wife because for one it was sexual but for two I needed someone just to talk too. My wife found out, I told her why I did what I did, and it’s not like we didn’t argue about my needs before this. She of course is now furious and wants us to go to counseling or possibly divorcing. The crazy part is I’m not apologizing for cheating because I told her something was wrong for well over a year. I don’t feel I should go to counseling because I don’t have a problem, she does. But crazier I don’t want to lose my wife or marriage I just want her to act like my wife. Am I wrong? I need some advice, on what I should