The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast | 10x Your Impact, Your Income & Your Influence

EP49: Marie Diamond - The Secret Star Reveals How To Attract Your Business Success



Fifteen years old. That was the age of our guest, Marie Diamond, when her life changed forever. She was run over by a truck and declared dead. Miraculously, she survived, but while she was “on the other side”, she felt a calling to enlighten more than 500 million people world wide. Once she returned, she began her crusade. After many experiences, she'd land a place in the wildly popular 2006 film, *The Secret* which enabled her to transform the lives of millions of people. Today, with her powerful vision in mind, she continues to assist her clients through various speaking engagements, workshops, webinars and other products. During this interview, you'll learn... The power of developing a vision that aligns with your values and resonates with future prospects How changing your environment, including your office, can positively affect your business success Why you should always be living your brand To find out more about Marie visit