

“Kirk’s attitude was all positive. This was man who believed he could do anything and was willing to put it all on the roll of a dice.” Principles are king in life and in business. Kirk Kerkorian modelled this throughout his life. You may not know Kirk Kerkorian because was a humble man, though he mingled with some of the biggest names in his generation such as Howard Hughes and John Wayne among many others. Kirk believed in maintaining his reputation. It was a matter of integrity and earning people’s trust and loyalty. He donated money on a large scale but never took credit. In 1988, Armenia was hit by a massive earthquake and Kirk donated $1 billion for aid and rebuilding. Kirk also modelled the value of taking risks in business, with one such risk resulting in him becoming the landlord of Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. There are many stories like these and today’s guest, William Rempel, captured as many as he could in his book, The Gambler: How Kirk Kerkorian Became The Greatest Dealmaker In Capitalist