The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast | 10x Your Impact, Your Income & Your Influence

EP466: Dr Robert Cialdini - How To Become A Powerful & Sought After Thought Leader



“To persuade, speak not to argument. Speak to self-interest.” - Ben Franklin “In terms of thought leadership you have to differentiate yourself from the herd, from what most people are doing in a standard and conventional way. And then you get the chance to be seen as someone who’s leading on that topic or in a new direction on that topic.” - Dr. Robert Cialdini Dr. Robert Cialdini was a researcher, academic, scholar, and teacher when he realised that it wasn’t enough to live in a world of seemingly artificially constructed studies on human behaviour. So he differentiated himself from the confines of standard research and became a thought leader who blew open the doors of his research for the masses who were genuinely interested and could benefit from it. In an effort to discover more about persuasion, Dr. Cialdini began covertly educating himself within the training programs of several industries that rely heavily on persuasion. He discovered seven universal principles that can be harnessed for success. This