
ENCORE: Boredom Sh!t



This week, we are highlighting Stanley and Jackson Alvey (@stanleyandjackson) as our #QueerRelationshipGoals. These guys are just too adorable to pass up! We didn’t bring our tape measure but we are pretty sure there is less than two inches between them in every picture: they are just so darn affectionate! Give them a follow on IG - you’ll be glad you did! Then, Marko and Tony sit down to talk about boredom. Do you feel less than thrilled in your relationship? Are you finding yourself immersed in the mundane? Join us as we explore a challenging aspect of relationships: how to identify when you are bored and what you can do about it! Then, the guys are joined at the Virtual Critable by Mike Iamele (@mikeiamele) to talk about his journey of discovery that resulted in the development of his technique, Mapping Sensitivities. Schedule your own mapping session with Mike, here.Articles:Very Well Mind: What to Do About a Boring 15 Signs of a Boring RelationshipShit to Put On Your Radar:Marko