Biz Women Talk With Julie Foucht

Transforming Your Passion Into Your Business with Dr. Jeanne Retief



As I started my conversation with today’s guest,  Dr. Jeanne Retief, I was reminded of how common our struggles as women are and yet, how we each handle them in our own unique ways.    When Jeanne turned 35, she experienced great change, contemplation, confusion, frustration, and joy. She invested so much of her energy in becoming an expert in her field but realized that the career she had built with a single-minded focus no longer fulfilled or inspired her. It was a confusing and frightening realization.    Facing a health and soul crisis she decided to make a big change. She integrated her human rights background into FIGGI which allowed her to seek serenity and still experience the adrenaline rush of creating something new. Listen to know more about her FIGGI Life! Dr. Jeanne and I dish on:    - How shame is used to control women and keep them stuck   - Why we associate our work and success as our identity  - The core ingredient when you decide to switch careers   - How balance is the big myth and it is o