Nicole Bremner

What missing the 2020 Olympics by 2 seconds taught world champion, Jordan Thomas #125



EP125: “I was on fire. I was fighting well. Then I've got to one of the most important fights I just needed to get through. This fight was probably the most important fight to get that chance to have the Olympic gold medal. I received a head kick with two seconds to go, and two seconds just wasn't enough to get the points back.”Jordan was on the pathway to Tokyo Olympics 2020 when he missed his dream by two seconds. Rather than wallow in the disappointment Jordan has shown incredible resilience to jump back up and keep going. Jordan was very aware of the risks in this sport. His father was also a world and European karate champion. He was also aware of what a financial strain it could be to fund full time sport. For many years Jordan worked full time training others before turning his focus on training himself in the evenings. “...before my world final, I got a message the night before that my phone bill had bounced...I was 22 at the time…Then I won my world final, very convincingly…and still came b