Court Leader's Advantage

Leading in Tough Times: Leading When Things Don’t Succeed



July 18th, 2023, Court Leader’s Advantage Podcast Episode As one progresses higher in an organization the challenges of leadership can become a regular test.  Increasingly responsible positions can draw leaders away from the very people they first came to rely on.  The demands of those you report to can outweigh the needs of the people who support you.   How do you keep grounded with the people who depend on you for Leadership?  And what happens when things do not go well?  Not every plan succeeds.  How do you lead when the court must close a project or endeavor because it is not achieving the expected results?  Finally, great leaders are intuitive.  They possess the emotional intelligence necessary to provide staff with the motivation they need to continue working toward an organization’s mission.  What part does emotional intelligence play in Leadership?   This month we’re looking at leadership in the courts.  Keeping in touch with staff, leading when a plan is not successful, and the role of emotional in