Biz Women Talk With Julie Foucht

The Gifts That are Hidden in Your Childhood Wounds



Throughout your childhood you receive wounds that create a belief about who you are. Even those who have golden childhoods have been wounded in some way. It is a part of the human condition.    The beliefs that are created, from a childhood perspective, carry forward, often unconsciously, into adulthood and have the power to both sabotage and create our success.   When we return to the wound, in a safe container, the beauty and power of the wounded part is revealed. Gifts to elevate your marketing and your services emerge. The sting of the wound disappears.    Join me on this episode as we honor the wounded part of you. Here’s what I talk about:  - What is a wound and what causes it  - How our wounds (traumas) carry gifts within them  - Triggers are the clues to where our wounds are hiding  - What happens when you begin to explore your wounds  - Your wounds are an opportunity for you to grow and heal  - You break generational traumas when you choose the healing work  - How you can connect with me to mine you