The Kibbe And Finnegan Show

K&F Show #267: Dallas Tex-Mex and Boston Slang; Dukes Review S4E11 “Goodbye, General Lee”



Presented with Holley! Holley Holley knows EFI. And Holley knows their EFI. But do you know the EFI that you need from Holley? Chances are you have visited their website to buy a super simple Sniper system, with all the bits and trimmings needed to make your life to simple…and were overwhelmed, called in sick to work, etc. Well no more! Holley has a handy EFI selector, so just click here to take the test (you'll pass) and figure out what you need! Just visit to peruse and view for yourself and be SURE to tell them that we sent you! KF Show Summary: If there were ever an episode where I learned the love of a good car, it was this! Luke gets hypnotized into selling the General Lee so that Boss can have it demolished (i.e. murdered) and out of his life, once and for all. And as the smartest and best shot Duke boy….he does what no one else could do; not Boss, Rosco, Uncle Jesse, the President of the United States, or even Bo…..he gets rid of the Gen