
Bad Romance



Did you miss us?After a week of resting and recovering, the Critelli's are back with A NEW EPISODE OF RELATIONSHIT!! It's the week after Marko's birthday celebration and with age comes great exhaustion. After a jaunt around Washington DC, all Marko and Tony brought back was a sinus infection and a bumpy bus ride. But, we all know that an episode of the podcast can cure what's ailing ya ...FIRST VERSE:With tears in our eyes, this week's #GayRelationshipGoals is a wonderful couple out of Denver, Colorado. Christopher Huizar (@fatty_chris) and his boyfriend Gabe Roman (gabe_r_roman) walked home, hand-in-hand, after leaving a local nightclub on May 27th. What started as a wonderful night out for this couple, ended with the two being attacked by a random "man", hurling homophobic slurs at the couple and eventually stabbing the couple. Chris was stabbed in his hand and back, while Gabe was stabbed in the neck. The two were hospitalized and Gabe is still recovering from severe inju