
Feel the Earth Move



What's funny, and entertaining, and full of love?A NEW EPISODE OF RELATIONSHIT, that's what!The Critelli's are FINALLY fully recovered after weeks of celebration and activity. They sit down this week to talk more about future plans (TBD) and how their summer hasn't gone exactly according to plan. Get ready for a fun morning and an even better time with the guys!FIRST VERSE:This week's #GayRelationshipGoals is an inspiration to us all.Family (including children)? Check.Unconditional and unwavering love for one another? Check.Black, gay, husbands? Check. Check. CHECK!Terrell and Jarius (@terrell.and.jarius) are an incredible couple out of Georgia with the ideal family! Their two children, Ashton and Aria, are the lights of their lives. Their marriage to one another is rock solid and exciting. And, they are a great representation of black love within the community. We love them because of the positive message they give to the community, and we hope you feel the same way! Check out their