
The Boy is Mine



Work.Live.LISTEN to a NEW EPISODE OF RELATIONSHIT!!!The guys are back, and after a week of resting and playing video games, they are ready to get back to it! Category is: Relationshit.FIRST VERSE:The couple that dances together ... stays together! And that is why this week's #GayRelationshipGoals is the über talented couple, @fasteddie_nyc and @tonymansker. They dance, they cut hair, they act, and they genuinely love one another. Thirteen years together, and eight years of marriage have made these two the best of friends, and even better partners. They danced into our hearts, and that is why they're this week's #GayRelationshipGoals. Check them out on Instagram, and tell them the Critelli's sent you!CHORUS:Hey jealousy.This week, the guys tackle the touchy topic of jealousy and what it means to completely trust your partner and know that they are yours (figuratively, not possessively). After (almost) 9 years together, Tony still feels the twinges of jealousy, and Marko is way too confident