Food Afield With John Schneider

John's Big Bear



This is a completely re-mastered episode. It is the story of my big bear from last spring with added recordings that were previously unavailable. The story is told much better now with the new audio. It was a special bear and a special hunt, so it deserves to be published again! Join Kevin, Jeff and me in the boreal forest of northern Alberta where we eat, laugh, and spot and stalk black bears.Kevin and I also spend a memorable afternoon in a muskeg bog where we find and eat wild Bog Cranberries! That was pretty special to find ripe berries in May. Bog Cranberries are unique in that the berries spend the winter under the snow and are ready to eat months ahead of any other wild fruit. Visit the Food Afield Podcast website for great member-only benefits! We're also over at Instagram, Vero and Twitter! #foodafieldpodcastPlease be sure to check us out on Instagram. If we've earned it, give us a follow and share the account with your friends and family.Another great way to access more of our content is a