Fabulous Fempreneurship

The Busines Jet Engine



The Business Jet Engine is a method of business growth for small to large companies.  Most entrepreneurs are fantastic at what they do but not good at business!  .  Our expert, Martin Riley, talks about the journey of most small businesses as they grow and how the business jet engine takes away the fear and anxiety of the growth curve. He explains how you can take the complex and break it down into simple, easy to use steps with great results.  See Martin's special offer to listeners, here:  https://www.businessjetengine.co.uk/download In this podcast you will discover: What makes business growth so hard for so many small business owners. How did Martin come up with the Business Jet Engine Why it's important to get your biz model right How to choose your strategic priorites every year and complete them Why you need to upgrade your client base The importance of upgrading your team