Shrinking It Down: Mental Health Made Simple

Coping With Gun Violence, Together - feat. Gretchen Felopulos, PhD



With increasing gun violence and constant media coverage, many kids are scared to go to concerts, to malls, to school. Many adults are feeling the same. Today, special guest Gretchen Felopulos, PhD, the education and training lead for the Center for Gun Violence Prevention at MGH, joins Gene and Khadijah to help us learn more about gun safety, youth suicide, best practices for lockdown drills, talking about guns to those with opposing views, and so much more. Be sure to see the resources, below.Media ListFollow along with the conversation.Gretchen Felopulos, PhD (LinkedIn)Center for Gun Violence Prevention (Massachusetts General Hospital)Twitter, TikTok, and Siloization (The Medium)Firearm suicide among America’s youth has hit its highest rate in 20 years, report finds (CBS News)Talking to Kids About Fear and Violence (Mental Health America)Can Community Programs Help Slow the Rise in Violence? (ProPublica)Are active shooter drills worth it? (Vox)Active Shooter Situations: Threat Assessment Teams (TAT) (REMS