Full Court Mess

S1 Ep10: The Only Child Sits Alone



The trade deadline has now passed, leaving Jared somewhat unimpressed by most trades, Joe pleased, and Will heartbroken yet again. This week the crew has gone over most of the deadline week trades, giving their opinions and hot takes for you to agree or disagree with. More topics include free agency hopes for the Knicks, the infamously trending take on being an only child, Laker trade disappointment, and much more! Have any hot takes that you've seen, or a take of your own that you'd like us to discuss? Tweet us @FullCourtMess_! Music: Cullah - "JazzBass" on "Killah Cullah" (http://www.cullah.com) Under CC BY SA license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/