Better Everyday With Sarah And Dr. Brooke

Dr Brooke Show #335 Why Martha Stewart Has Us All Talking About Swimsuits & Aging



With Marth’s recent Sports Illustrated cover, the internet is ablaze with opinions on women, beauty standards and how we should look in a bathing suit in our 80s. Much of this unrealistic standard of beauty is not now, like not new at all, but what was interesting to me is that most of the comments about this cover shoot were from women. Whether you’re in the “she looks amazing for her age” camp or the “this is absurd, no woman in their 80s would look like this without a lot of money and intervention” camp, this episode will give you a LOT more to think about.   Aging is a dicey subject for women. We feel like we are obligated to look as young as possible for as long as possible and we are also wondering where our line in the sand is about aging naturally: a little botox but not going under the knife? Dying our hair but no fillers? There is more to aging than deciding if we do it au natural or not and I think the most important thing about this pic of Martha is what it stirs up in us- and that can give us a w