Better Everyday With Sarah And Dr. Brooke

Dr Brooke Show #334 How To Know If You Need To Push Yourself Or Rest



That’s a tough question, right? It can be tricky to know if you need to give yourself grace or a kick in the pants. It can be especially tricky if you have ever pushed yourself too hard. We are experiencing a real push back to hustle culture and the idea of #noexcuses and this is a really good thing. But sometimes we do need to push ourselves to get a workout in or to finish that task and with all our internal chatter and conditioning it can be hard to know when you’re treating yourself with respect and listening to your body and when you’re making an excuse that really doesn’t serve you.    In this episode I talk about tried and true tools that will help you know when to push and when to rest, when to hustle and when to give yourself grace. Share this with a woman who needs this!   To work with Dr Brooke click here and if you loved this episode please leave a review!     Follow Dr Brooke on Instagram and get signed up for my awesome emails here. Seriously,I write really great emails, or so 1000s of women tel