Better Everyday With Sarah And Dr. Brooke

Dr Brooke Show #333 Do You Really Need To Take Supplements?



Oh my do I open a can of worms on this episode…..but it’s an important topic for many reasons. We do not all need all the things all the time and we do want our regimen to change with our changes needs in most instances. And we can’t expect a supplement to always get us out of hot water if we continue  with habits that don’t work for us.    However, a popular IG account made a reel saying that your body can heal completely without the use of any supplemental support ever, ever. Worse, the tone of the video seemed to imply that if you are relying on a supplement or medication as part of your healing then you aren’t really doing all the necessary work. I call BS. Total and utter BS.   First, there are situations such as anemia or certain infections as examples where a medication or supplement I think are very, very important as part of healing. Next, there are countless examples of a supplement providing assistance to help you through a tough or challenging health condition such as autoimmunity or a period of o