Biz Women Talk With Julie Foucht

Establishing a Private Label Amazon Business with Ashley Kinkead



When you think you know it all; think again! This thought crossed my mind when I was preparing to interview my guest today, Ashley Kinkead, and it blew my mind to realize how she created a private label business on while you and I are just ordering groceries.    No one else in the industry has worked with more 6 and 7-figure Amazon FBA entrepreneurs than Ashley Kinkead. Her company, Private Label Mastery has single-handedly launched tens of thousands of products on Gias, this is a LOT of information so keep a pen and notepad close and let’s get started.     Ashley and I are talking about:    - How to start selling on Amazon with a really low budget   - Why there are not a lot of women in the Amazon ecommerce business  - Moving from book selling to a private label brand on Amazon  - Learning the right strategy to sell your products  - Using keywords to create sales volume    Purchase your copy of Love Based Feminine Marketing: The Art of Growing a 6-Figure Business Without Hustle, Grind