First Baptist Church, Lagrange, Georgia

What's In Your Lunch



First Baptist Church LaGrange GeorgiaMay 21, 2023 - Matthew Goodman, Student PastorSermon Notes: Streaming+ License 21007595Have you ever felt like you have nothing to bring to the table when it comes to serving God? Or maybe you feel like what you do have is so insignificant that God can't use you for His kingdom work? Well, guess what? There's good news! God gives all believers certain things in their life to be able to make an impact for His kingdom! All you have to do is give those things over to God and watch Him do incredible things in and through you! This morning our Student Pastor, Goody, will dive into the passage where Jesus feeds the 5,000 with a seemingly insignificant lunch...First Baptist Church depends on faithful and generous giving. Make an impact in the lives of others and promote the gospel of Christ by making an online contribution: