Better Everyday With Sarah And Dr. Brooke

Dr Brooke Show #330 10 Hormones That Impact Weight Loss & Metabolism



In this episode I give you the rundown on ten different hormones that directly impact metabolism or they profoundly impact appetite and cravings. With the internet ablaze with the ongoing argument of: hormones don’t matter, only calories in/calories out matter vs. the “no all you need to do to lose weight is balance your hormones”, I’m sure you’re confused and worse you may feel lazy or shamed for wondering if your hormones are to blame.    I hope this episode helps you understand that both camps are right and both are wrong and most importantly, your hormones do influence behavior and metabolism directly so YOU are not wrong nor to blame here.   Metabolism alone is insanely complicated and that’s made more complex by female hormone fluctuations week to week or even day to day and certainly decade to decade. Add to that disagreement between medical professionals for how to best assess hormone dysfunction vs. overt hormone disease and compound it all by the effect hormones have on your ability to stick to any