Smb Community Podcast By Karl W. Palachuk

Astronauts & the Easiest Security Solution



Today, our host congregate from their hotel rooms.  --- Segment One: 5 Minutes with a Smart Person - Larry Mandelberg We speak with Larry Mandelberg. Larry is an effective catalyst for change who achieved new levels of efficacy and growth for businesses in industries as diverse as software, automotive, education and agriculture. If change is causing your staff grief, frustration, baldness, or acne, I can help. After all, nobody likes change done unto them. Everybody likes change they do unto others, and I know how to flip that script. This class provides proprietary content from Larry Mandelberg, a non-recovering, 5th generation serial entrepreneur who’s owned 13+ businesses. He has launched four start-ups, led a merger, and performed a successful turnaround. A prolific writer, Larry has published more than 80 columns. His first book, Businesses Don’t Fail, They Commit Suicide is scheduled for release in early 2023. A sought-after speaker, he has delivered more than 60 business-changing keynotes and workshops