Dates & Mates With Damona Hoffman | Dating And Relationship Advice

Financial Love Languages & Dating Against Type



Nicole Lapin, best-selling author and host of the podcast Money Rehab, meets you at the intersection of money and dating to help you develop your financial love language. The Dating Dish headline today is: Do you have a type? Maybe what you think you want and what you actually prefer don’t match up. The Dear Damona question is: After having our first video chat, I can no longer see myself kissing my match. What should I do? Be sure to follow Nicole on Instagram @NicoleLapin and pick up a copy of her book “Miss Independent” at! Sponsor: The gift of health has never been so easy to share than it is this holiday. For listeners of the show, Everlywell is offering a discount of 20% off an at-home lab test at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit