Grant Writing & Funding

070: Why Blueprints Organize Your Nonprofit Strategies With Sarah Olivieri



Join Holly Rustick (Grant Writing & Funding Podcast) and Sarah Olivieri of PivotGround and Impact Method as they discuss The Impact Method, Developing a Blueprint, Blueprint Checklist, and Time Management and the Accountability Optimizer. Sarah Olivieri is the founder of PivotGround and the creator of The Impact Method. PivotGround's mission is to deliver better programming, attract more funding, and hopefully make the world a little better. The Impact Method is more effective method for helping nonprofits create a written, comprehensive digital strategy and support them in executing it for at least 12 months. Listen to the podcast on iTunes, SoundCloud or Stitcher or watch on YouTube! To share your thoughts: Send Holly an email at To help out the show: Leave an honest review on iTunes. Your ratings and reviews really help, and I read all of them! Subscribe on iTunes or on YouTube. Looking for more? Follow us on Instagram @grantwriting_funding