Grant Writing & Funding

091: 5 Ways Your Nonprofit Can Make Money from Services



**Get your Free Checklist Downloadable Today, I'm going to discuss 5 different ways that your nonprofit can make some extra money! 1) General Services: According to MissionBox, a fee-for-service approach for nonprofits is defined as “nonprofit uses its earnings to support its mission and prioritizes benefit to the community over profits. Your organization can grow financial sustainability with a fee-for-service model.” 2) Memberships I see a lot of 501(c)6 nonprofits utilizing the basic membership service approach. For example, a Chamber of Commerce, Lions Club, etc. may charge individuals, nonprofits, and corporations a fee to enjoy the membership of the organization. 3) Tuition Fees This is commonly associated with universities, but you could also think of this if your nonprofit is (or can!) offer any knowledge sessions. Nonprofit colleges and schools do charge tuition fees! Just because it is a nonprofit college doesn’t mean it is dirt cheap tuition fees, ei