Grant Writing & Funding

Ep. 134: Calling All Freelance Grant Writers! How To Narrow Down Your Nonprofit Niche



*Sign up for the Freelance Grant Writing Master Course Waitlist and get a Bonus Downloadable today:* In this podcast you will learn how to get clear on who you want to serve as a freelance grant writer or nonprofit consultant, as well as what types of grants are best suited to you to write. This is super important as serving all nonprofits isn’t always the best place to start. Why not? Well, it is hard to really market specifically, cultivate clients, and get experience and expertise in a certain field. You may have heard that creating an avatar or ideal client is important in any business. That’s true – even in this business. You want to know what types of nonprofits you enjoy serving otherwise you might either take on clients that drive you crazy or have a hard time getting any clients because your message is too large. • If you just don’t even know how to market, or • wonder why your clients drive you crazy and end up being WAY too much work, or • just