Grant Writing & Funding

Ep. 137: 3 Ways To Create A Name For Your Freelance Grant Writing Business



✨✨ Visit to join the Freelance Grant Writing Master Course ✨✨ There always comes a time when starting a business that stumps people. Creating the best name for your grant writing business is one of those times. Sometimes it completely throws people off the tracks that they never get back on and actually start their business. Don’t let this stop you! To help you navigate this process I have identified three different ways (and the pros and cons) to help you find the best name for you grant writing business. Using Your Name Pros:  It is more personalized  If you have a unique name it won’t be taken!  It works for the 80% connection of social media (I am commenting on other people’s post, not a business name).  It is easier to get started (you don’t need to spend months trying to figure it out) Cons:  If you have a common name, you will need to add a little more in, i.e. “Holly Rustick Grant Writing Consultancy”  If your name changes (get married, divorced, etc.) the