Grant Writing & Funding

Ep. 150: Branding is Important to Demonstrate Nonprofit Credibility. Here's the Why, What, & How



✨✨ Visit to sign up for the Nonprofit Start-Up Academy ✨✨ OMG. Branding is important and here to stay. Yes, even for nonprofit organizations. But Holly, I don't have a budget for my programs how do I fund a swanky website or social media posts? Don't you know we are living off peanuts here? Okay, the second question there is worth another podcast all on its own. For reals. We gotta pull up a seat for that one. The first question, though, here is your answer. You don't need a big budget for branding. Sometimes it's as simple as having business cards for your staff. But let's be real, it's almost 2021 (or maybe your reading this in 2021 and beyond), and you need a website. Not just a Facebook page. Not just an Instagram account. You need a website and there are a lot of very affordable and user-friendly options out there. It can be overwhelming, though. So that's why Dr. Beverly Browning and I put together this podcast so that you would get a crash course on some great tips