Grant Writing & Funding

Ep. 170: 8 Grant Writing Resource Reviews to Find, Manage, & Win Grants



As a 15+ year grant writing veteran I have seen some amazing resources come and go, and I've seen other ones evolve. I am highlighting 8 resources that I LOVE and some of these I use on a consistent basis! In fact, I am using one right now (after you read through my recommendations, have a guess at which one I am using at this moment!).  In full transparency, I do have partnerships (and receive affiliate payments) with some of these products below and offer coupon codes for you. I do this as I love, love, love these products and they are proven to help grant writers succeed!  #1) Federal Grants: Grants.Gov  This is for you if you are seeking federal grants. And this one is free!  This is a U.S. government e-platform and is where all federal grants are required to be published. I recommend joining the email list and checking the boxes on what types of grants you are interested in being notified of.  #2) Federal Grants: Federal Agency Websites Okay, this one has a lot of links. What I recommend you do is vis