Grant Writing & Funding

Ep. 189: The First Step to Become a Freelance Grant Writer



✨✨ Visit to get free Workbook ✨✨ Why are some freelance grant writers able to create a thriving business while others are just dreaming about being a freelance grant writing professional? Why do some grow their practice and seem to get all the clients while others just dream about it and get stuck in their J-O-B? And why are some people clear about how to start and grow their freelance grant writing business while others are floundering? Being on the Floundering Freelance Grant Writer Fence This podcast is going to immediately help you get off the floundering fence when thinking about becoming a freelance grant writer and not knowing which step to take.  Once you get this down, you’ll start experiencing more clarity and confidence. If you’re a newbie grant writer, but you aren’t getting the grant writing experience you need, or you’re already an accomplished grant writer that isn’t leveraging your skills by getting and growing your nonprofit client base, stay with me b