Grant Writing & Funding

Ep. 210: Revealed! Sneak Peek of the 6-Week Grant Writing Training



We are getting ready for our first 6-Week Grant Writing Training in 2022! After our amazing free masterclass this week, we've been getting a ton of questions about the 6-Week Training. So I thought, "Let's do a podcast about it!" If you want more information, you can also check out the training by clicking here: What's all included in the 6-Week Grant Writing Training 6 weekly live Zoom sessions a private Facebook group with 6 additional FB Lives 35+ videos, downloadables, and workbooks Feedback on a Master Grant Application that you will write you also get to audit the Live Course at any point (or # of times) in the future! a grant writing certificate PLUS...time-sensitive special bonuses Here's what you'll learn: How to NOT start with a blank page Research tips How to Write an Objective Writing out Activities Developing a Budget Bonus Tips! If you’re done with pulling your hair out when even thinking about writing grants and ready