Grant Writing & Funding

Ep. 229: How to Find Ideal Nonprofit Clients That Pay for Your Services



How to Find Ideal Nonprofit Clients That Pay for Your Services Getting a nonprofit client is amazing when you are a nonprofit consultant. Until it isn’t amazing. I’ve seen many nonprofit consultants pull their hair out (including me!) when they get the wrong type of client. ✨ The one that keeps negotiating your price down. ✨ The one that asks for continued revisions of grants outside of the scope of the contract. ✨ The one that doesn’t respect your boundaries. So how do you figure out who and what your ideal client is? Well, that’s what Mandy Pearce from Funding from Good and Mazarine Treyz from Wild Woman Fundraising share today! What We Discuss 0:00 Introduction to Nonprofit Consulting 2:14 How to Get Nonprofit Clients 3:23 Identify Your Ideal Client 4:26 Why You Should Charge People to Pick Your Brain 8:00 Questions to Determine Your Ideal Client 11:41 Why You Should Interview the Nonprofit 12:20 Why a Discovery Call Might Not Give You Leads 15:01 Qualifying Leads 19:12 Contract Nuggets ---------