Better Everyday With Sarah And Dr. Brooke

Dr Brooke Show #326 How To Have More Willpower and Discipline



To get more willpower and discipline you have to understand how they work and to appreciate they are a finite resource. This means that if you’re low on willpower it’s not because you are weak it’s because you need to find ways to preserve willpower and ways to build your reserves of discipline. So many of us know a lot of what we need to be doing more of or less of, yet we struggle to stick with things that help us and skip things that don’t make us feel great. In this episode I teach you how to harness willpower, stop your discipline leaks and quick simple things to build up more willpower so you can more easily do what works for you.  To work with Dr Brooke click here and if you loved this episode please leave a review!   Follow Dr Brooke on Instagram and get signed up for my awesome emails here. Seriously,I write really great emails, or so 1000s of women tell me and I’d like to send you one too. Be sure you connect with me in my FREE PRIVATE Facebook group: Hormones & Happiness with Dr Brooke where ot