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Are Banks Too Broke to Lend?



Are Banks Too Broke to Lend? Highlights: - Learn about how money works - Investing smartly - be the casino, not the gambler - The credit crunch started mid of last year, not just now - a combination of lenders not honoring the rates they promised and lenders backing out of lending completely - There are still banks that do loans, and there are options, but it's constantly changing - If banks are not meeting you, pivot. Especially if you are not as liquid but want to start your first building (construction loan), private money is an option - Be aggressive, if you're new in the business it's going to be very difficult - There's a view that banks are out they're not lending, but there are banks who rise to the occasion - In terms of whose lending, they are the ones who didn't lend at the bottom rates. They could still afford to lend right now because their interest was a little high and their volume rate was lower because they were not the cheapest game in town - The lenders ta