By All Means

111. PUR Golf Founder David Swan



"If I had listened to people around me, I wouldn't have proceeded after three months. This is a risky business and maybe it isn't going to work and I'm going to look back and say I spent $300,000 and four years of my life, but I do believe the end is in sight." David Swan is the founder of PUR Golf—that stands for Producing Unmatched Results. PUR golf is a training aid designed to help golfers improve their swing. Just hitting the commercial market this year, the PUR Golf trainer was named "one of the three items golfers need in 2023" by the PGA . It sells online exclusively. Swan started his career as a basketball coach, first college, then for a professional team in Norway. His career has been a winding road since he retired from coaching in 2002. Real estate, software sales, motivational speaker, founder of Bright Day Energy, a Minneapolis-based company that specializes in LED and solar lighting. Only in the last few years did Swan add product inventor to that list, when his golf game started to tank. D