Kylie Camps

Quick Tips For Feeling Confident In The Gym & 10 Healthy Snack Ideas For Busy Women



In this episode I share 10 healthy snack ideas that may help you get through the day because let’s face it, it is common to survive the whole day on eating your kids leftovers but its not ideal for our energy (or mood) to do this. It is important we fuel our bodies well and you might enjoy some of these snack suggestions. I also offer a few quick tips on gaining confidence in the Gym. Stepping outside of your comfort zone can feel really intimidating and it might hold you back from trying something new, a lot of women have reached out over the years and asked how they can feel more confident when beginning their fitness journey in the Gym. This episode is supported by Nutra Organics. I am a huge fan of the Nutra Organics range and truly believe in everything they stand for. The Collagen Build, Collagen Beauty and Clean Protein are staples in my pantry. Please use the code KYLIEPODCAST for 15% OFF THE ENTIRE RANGE For more from The Frae Podcast - more personal reflections, more