Better Everyday With Sarah And Dr. Brooke

Dr Brooke Show #325 Adrenal Transformation Protocol with Dr. Izabella Wentz



NYTimes best selling author Dr. Izabella Wentz is on the show to dig into her new book that is all about adrenal health. We get into the misnomer and myth around “adrenal fatigue” discussing what it is and what it isn’t. As well she talks in depth about a real passion of mine which is setting the record straight that cortisol isn’t all bad and stress is inevitable, so why does all this stress have us feeling tired and with a host of hormone symptoms? And most importantly what we can do to build more resilience to stress and what we can do to heal from chronic stress that may already have us feeling burnt out.   Learn more about Izabella and her new book the Adrenal Transformation Protocol here.  To work with Dr Brooke click here and if you loved this episode please leave a review!   Follow Dr Brooke on Instagram and get signed up for my awesome emails here. Seriously,I write really great emails, or so 1000s of women tell me and I’d like to send you one too. Be sure you connect with me in my FREE PRIVATE Faceb